Keeping warm and enjoying a cozy holiday meal doesn’t have to mean clogging your gears. This was my family’s Christmas Eve meal. Warming, satisfying, and full of vegetables…featuring Mama’s Borscht.
2 quarts vegetable stock
3 tablespoons butter or olive oil
1 cup red cabbage, finely chopped
1 cup potatoes, diced
1 stalk celery, minced
1 onion, chopped
1/2 cup juice (from can of beets)
2 cups cooked or canned beets, diced
1 teaspoon vinegar
chopped dill or parsley (for garnishing)
Boil the raw beets and potatoes in vegetable broth. When the beets are soft, mash them up and add a can of beets. Saute finely chopped onions, celery stalk, finely chopped cabbage and a dash of salt and pepper. Add the sauteed veggies to the beets, potatoes and broth–and the vinegar and simmer for two hours. Season with fresh dill and tarragon. Top with Greek yogurt. We enjoyed our borscht with crispy roasted potatoes, sauteed and baked Guiness green beans, and cranberry sauce. Greek yogurt is also delicious on a tart cranberry sauce.